• On a personal note

    Remembering with Thanksgiving

    Humans are hardwired with a desire to retrace things that have happened. We want to mull over the past, retrace our steps, and hold onto the precious moments. God made us this way: we’re meant to remember. A way to remember There’s an interesting account in the book of Joshua concerning remembrance. The people of Israel witnessed the Jordan River part. It was a miracle experienced by everyone as they walked across on dry land. Joshua chose twelve men (one from each of the tribes) and had them take a stone from the river bed. The stones would serve as…

  • On a personal note

    On Empty

    Today’s post is personal- something that’s on my heart. I woke up tired, partly because I didn’t get enough sleep and partly because I was empty. Do you know the feeling? It’s the kind of empty that sees the last of your reserves. The kind of empty that is deep and tired. I had coffee and then a little more. I read my Bible and prayed. I jumped into some work. At one point I looked down at my nails and the thought occurred to me that I should take some time to relax and paint them. I brushed it…

  • Devotional

    Daniel and Arioch

    In Daniel chapter 2, we find an interesting story surrounding the Babylonian King, Nebuchadnezzar. The king had a dream that greatly distressed him- so much so, that in verse two he, “Commanded that the magicians, the enchanters, the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans be summoned…” In an effort to make sure that none of the men were lying to him, the king made an impossible request: they must tell him the dream itself. The magicians and wise men were understandably upset! Not only did their summons come with an impossible task, but Nebuchadnezzar made it clear (in rather grisly terms) that…

  • Devotional

    Comfort in Affliction

    In Acts 27, we find the Apostle Paul caught in a terrible storm. He is journeying to Rome as a prisoner, where he would eventually be put under house arrest. On his way, we see the provision of God in granting him favor and ultimately preserving his life (and the lives of those with him). In verse 10, we find an early warning from Paul to the centurion not to put out to sea, for there would be loss of life and property. Unfortunately, they did not heed his warning and eventually found themselves in a life threatening tempest. Luke gives…