• Devotional

    Patterns, Predictability, and Something New

    This season, I’ve embarked on something I’ve never done before. I am the first to tout the benefits of a routine. I think routine is important, nay- essential. We’ve all seen the articles citing the benefits of creating patterns and predictability in our lives. Where would we be without routine when motivation fails and daily tasks beckon us with unfinished fervor? There seems to be just as many articles campaigning for the destruction of routine and advocating spontaneity as it’s replacement. For better or worse, I tend to side (at least in habit) with the former camp. I love routine!…

  • Devotional

    Lessons in Building Barns

    I puzzled for the longest time over the story told in Luke 12:13. Maybe you’re like me and read the parable about the rich man’s experience with his crop and his barns, and secretly wondered why building a bigger structure was considered covetous. I had to go to the Lord in prayer about this one, as it seemed on the surface (to my 21st century brain), to be a simple business decision to safeguard his future. Thankfully, I know that when my own instinctive interpretation goes against what is clearly laid out in scripture, it is I who is at…

  • Devotional

    Comfort in Affliction

    In Acts 27, we find the Apostle Paul caught in a terrible storm. He is journeying to Rome as a prisoner, where he would eventually be put under house arrest. On his way, we see the provision of God in granting him favor and ultimately preserving his life (and the lives of those with him). In verse 10, we find an early warning from Paul to the centurion not to put out to sea, for there would be loss of life and property. Unfortunately, they did not heed his warning and eventually found themselves in a life threatening tempest. Luke gives…